5 Webinar Tips And Online Meeting Etiquette

Aliya Hammond | Social Media Strategist
April 7, 2020
Aliya Hammond

It’s a brave new world with coronavirus and self-isolation. While webinars and video conferences might make social distancing and telecommuting a little easier, it’s not quite the same as in-person interactions. There are some things you should keep in mind with these tips and etiquette.

  1. Check your background.

Perhaps you’ve seen this “Working from Home During a Global Pandemic Bingo” card and had a laugh about “Seeing Coworker’s Bedroom.” However, in this virtual meeting world, you need to think about what’s around you. Consider dedicating a space in your home for video webinars and calls, in order to limit the distractions for you and other participants. If you can’t dedicate space, some platforms allow for projected backgrounds — on Zoom you can be anywhere.

  1. Make sure you are prepared.

“Be prepared” isn’t just a Boy Scout motto anymore. From dressing appropriately to having what you need at hand, be prepared for your online conference. Have a pad of paper and pen at hand; plug your computer charger in; get your research together; and ensure you’re dressed for a professional meeting.

  1. Mute video and microphone.

Things happen — we’ve seen the viral videos of kids running into the middle of video calls or co-workers absentmindedly taking a meeting into the bathroom. Know how to mute your video and microphone, just in case you need it. So many things could come up: an alarm; a dog bark; a loud neighbor; etc. Getting back to the previous topic, be prepared.

If you can’t figure out how to mute your video, blocking the camera with masking tape or a sticker works just fine too, or invest in a webcam cover. You want to be able to control what someone sees during the conference. 

  1. Familiarize yourself with the online meeting or webinar platforms.

There are many different webinar platforms, and each one has its own unique setup. Learn how to use the platform before your first work call with how-to tutorials. Then, try a test call to yourself, or your loved ones — it’s a great way to stay connected during social distancing. During these test runs, play with the buttons, find out how to turn off the microphone and camera, see what the recording capabilities are, and more.

Two things to take note of when testing the platform are the chat and screen share features. These will come in handy during online meetings and presentations. If you’re giving the webinar or leading the meeting, you’ll be able to directly share what is on your computer without pre-recording a presentation. With the chat feature, you’ll also be able to post additional resources and links in the chat. If you’re attending the webinar or online meeting, the chat will enable you to ask questions.

  1. Stay alert

Platforms are smart and can alert presenters if members of the audience click off the webinar. So, if you’re listening and checking your email at the same time, some platforms will tell the presenter that you’re not looking at their webinar. Additionally, some webinar presenters use the forum to engage with audience members by posing questions. So, stay alert and be prepared to answer questions, just like you would if the presentation were in person. The same advice holds true for online meetings.

It is also wise to check the security settings for the online platform you are using.With so many people working from home, it’s becoming apparent that some popular platforms, such as Zoom, are having privacy issues. From meeting crashers, to prying bosses and coworkers, there is valid cause for concern. Again, stay alert, and don’t share meeting ID or links publicly.

You’ve probably realized by now that Social Media is no longer an option. In fact, it is a vital and highly successful tool for building a business. Aliya Hammond Consulting is an online Digital Marketing, Training, and Consulting Company headquartered in the greater Philadelphia area. We specialize in Social Media Management and Marketing, Social Media Training, Blog Writing, and Graphic Design Services for small and large businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations. If you are looking to improve or increase your online presence, you can rest assured you are in good hands with us. Contact Aliya Hammond Consulting today to find out how we can help your business grow!

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