What Is The New Clubhouse App?

Aliya Hammond | Social Media Strategist
February 10, 2021
Aliya Hammond

If you haven’t heard of Clubhouse yet, you soon will! There has been a lot of buzz lately surrounding this latest app to hit the social media scene, and it’s easy to see why. Don’t get left out in the cold. Read on to learn all about the new Clubhouse App and why you should take notice as a business owner.

Believe The Hype

Online marketing news and new apps seem to pop up on an almost daily basis, but there is something undeniably special that sets Clubhouse in a class of its own — and makes us believe the publicity hype.

In just a few short months, Clubhouse impressively amassed over 600K members, with famous names like Elon Musk, Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish, Kanye West, Ashton Kutcher, Chris Rock, and Oprah Winfrey already stanning the app. In other words, it basically burst into the world of social media with a massive splash. You may be wondering, what’s the big celebrity draw and why all the fuss?

Join The Club

While chatting with your favorite celebrities, millionaires, and politicians sounds pretty amazing, having a live platform to exchange ideas with thought leaders in your industry probably sounds even better. And don’t forget connecting with customers seeking out information and looking to engage with you and your business!

Clubhouse lets members participate in different conversations on a wide range of topics, with an audio-only format that makes it feel more like a real-time podcast than a simple group chat. But unlike a podcast, there are no scripts in Clubhouse, and if you miss a discussion, there is no recording to listen to at a later time.

It also doesn’t hurt that Clubhouse is currently “invite only” and exclusive to Apple mobile devices (but that may change once it moves out of the Beta phase). Every member is initially granted one invitation and can earn more from moderating and speaking. You can also try a back door approach by reserving a spot when downloading the app from the App Store.

Learn The Breakdown

Once you snag a coveted invite from someone already on the app, getting started on Clubhouse is fairly easy. Like most social media platforms, the first step is setting up a profile, which includes a photo and bio. The main feed is called a hallway, and there is a calendar with a list of scheduled rooms. You can also choose to follow others and receive alerts and publicity on upcoming discussions that might interest you.

Like an actual social event, members start off in a main room that is public and open to anyone, and from there, they can break into smaller, private groups. Swipe left on the hallway to see who is online and in each room. Anyone can start a chat to network or collaborate, but there are distinct roles to play. Here is the breakdown:

  • Listeners are the audience. They hear the conversation taking place but do not have access to the microphone. Listeners have the ability to scroll through other options without leaving the room.
  • Speakers share the stage. They do all the talking and follow typical webinar best practices of muting their mics when others are on stage.
  • The moderator directs. They control who speaks when, and set the tone for the conversation.

You can also choose to be the founder of a club with the ability to add or remove members to public or private rooms. Social Media Examiner has a guided tour on how to interact in both rooms and clubs.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There is a lot more to say about Clubhouse as a potentially powerful interactive marketing tool, so be sure to tune in to our blog next week when we cover how to best use Clubhouse for your business and follow us @aliyahammond.


You’ve probably realized by now that Social Media is no longer an option. In fact, it is a vital and highly successful tool for building a business. Aliya Hammond Consulting is an online Digital Marketing, Training, and Consulting Company headquartered in the greater Philadelphia area. We specialize in Social Media Management and Marketing, Social Media Training, Blog Writing, and Graphic Design Services for small and large businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations. If you are looking to improve or increase your online presence, you can rest assured you are in good hands with us. Contact Aliya Hammond Consulting today to find out how we can help your business grow!

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