How to Develop a Strong Brand Presence

Aliya Hammond | Social Media Strategist
January 16, 2018
Aliya Hammond

With each new year comes new opportunities to build your brand in the new year. Branding can be a confusing part of marketing. What is it? Is it just a jingle or catchy slogan? Is it something only corporate companies can do?

Branding is more than those two things — it’s building trust and loyalty with customers and prospective customers through narrative building, value development, and consistent messaging. By building your brand, you build familiarity with customers and prospective consumers, which results in brand awareness. According to Hootsuite, brand awareness is the recognition of a company’s name, logo, characteristics, and any other messaging that is associated with it.

But how do you build a better brand? There are a number of variables that can impact how a brand is built and received. Three key elements to building your brand are narrative, communications, and trust. Here’s how to achieve those goals:

#1: What Does Your Company Stand For?

Consumers want to be able to feel confident in what they are buying and what that purchase says about them. Your brand should have a consistent message that people can associate with your company, such as Nike’s “Just Do It” slogan or Mastercard’s association with “priceless memories.” As Huffington Post writes, “Narratives are meant to delve deep and portray the essence of a business, building a strong brand presence along the way.” These messages help build trust, and it’s important to be consistent.

#2: How Do You Keep Your Messaging Consistent?

When you build your messaging, your brand depends upon staying consistent. Whether it’s through social media, advertising, or any other medium, the message should be the same. But how do you keep that message going? Always ask yourself if your post or advertisement brings value to your company, and if it’s of value to your customers. By providing valuable messaging that continues your narrative, you’ll continue to build trust with your customers.

#3: What Is The Best Way To Build A Brand?

Social media is key to building a brand. Through social media, you can continue to promote your narrative on a regular basis, and build a following of loyal customers. But how do you cultivate that message and following? Social media training and social media managers are a perfect way to help continue to develop your audience, and the valuable content needed for brand awareness. Businesses like Aliya Hammond Consulting specialize in promoting businesses, and helping owners develop their social media plans.

The new year is the perfect time to start your branding plan. By building brand awareness that provides a consistent messaging and value to your audience, you can make 2018 the best year for your business.

You’ve probably realized by now that Social Media is no longer an option. In fact, it is a vital and highly successful tool for building a business. Aliya Hammond Consulting is an online Digital Marketing, Training, and Consulting Company headquartered in the greater Philadelphia area. We specialize in Social Media Management and Marketing, Social Media Training, Blog Writing, and Graphic Design Services for small and large businesses, entrepreneurs, and non-profit organizations. If you are looking to improve or increase your online presence, you can rest assured you are in good hands with us. Contact Aliya Hammond Consulting today to find out how we can help your business grow!

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